We can enroll your group for any class at our training center. The group members can pay individually as they take the class or you can pay for the group with a lump sum payment.
Organizations or Companies
We can set up your own private training center account including your organization name and a password you choose. You can select which classes you want posted on your training center. You may want to limit the class offerings to meet certain learning objectives or to ensure classes are approved for your group before making it available. Private accounts automatically get a 10% discount.
Monitor Training
If your organization has a private account, we will set up someone you designate as the training coordinator. This training coordinator will have access to view learner progress of each class. We can also simply send you a progress report of a private class upon request.
Customized Assignments
If you have your own training center account with us, we can add an assignment of your design and require students to complete the assignment before they qualify for a certificate. This is ideal for connecting the web-based training to your organization. Adding assignments that are graded by an instructor can increase training effectiveness. We believe that you will find the added time and expense well worth it.
Customized Classes
Since we own our own learning management system (LMS) we can schedule a class that you authored. If your company requires specialized classes, contact us for details of how we can help you.
Payment Options
We can enroll students automatically using our e-commerce link or we can take payment by phone, fax or mail. We can also invoice your organization for the training for an added handling fee.
Training Records
When you are taking classes at the JPR Learning Center, your training records are automatically kept for you. Student learning profiles and records include: name, classes, lesson completed, date class was passed and many more details. Training records are password protected.
We can provide training for one student as well as thousands. Training is scalable and priced accordingly. We have over 15 years experience in the training field and understand the economics of instructor-led public and distance learning programs. If web-based training meets your needs we will make sure it is competitive with other training alternatives.