The course is designed to be a step-by-step self-paced guided process for identifying root causes of problems. This course will enable participants to solve problems (e.g. by eliminating their causes). The course provides a 10 point methodology from problem definition to implementation of system wide solutions. Root cause analysis works because it eliminates the causes of problems so that they do not recur. The students are provided with many organization tools to analyze systems in order to identify the root causes of problems. The class is intended for the person or team members in an organization interested in or tasked with solving problems and finding root causes. The step-by-step project results in tangible deliverables yet is fun and productive, too. Duke Okes is an ASQ instructor and expert who provided the content for the class. The class is based on his very successful instructor-led class. The Root Cause Analysis (RCA) course consists of a series of lessons, illustrations, diagrams, examples, supplemental handout information, forms, interactive exercises, and quizzes. A handy desk reference and QualityWBT Glossary are included in the class. The course should take approximately 14 hours to complete. Successful completion of the class will result in a certificate for 14 contact hours (1.4 CEUs). The subscription period (access time) is 180 days (plus one free 30-day subscription extension, if needed).
Recommended prerequisite: To get the full benefit of the class we recommend that you be familiar with the 7 Basic QC Tools. A short assessment quiz must be taken before lesson one to help you determine if you may need additional references, training or guide books.
Learning Outcomes
Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to:
As an IACET Authorized Provider, JP Russell Learning Center offers CEUs for its programs that qualify under the ANSI/IACET Standard. Note: IACET is the International Association for Continuing Education & Training and CEUs are Continuing Education Units.