We have recently updated our ISO 13485 class. This class is for auditors, supervisors and managers who might be new to their role or who want to refresh their understanding of ISO 13485. This class is for those in the medical device industry who want to 1) learn about ISO 13485 and ISO 9001 requirements, 2) interpret or clarify the standard, and 3) apply requirements to their work situations. The class is based on a portion of an Exemplar Global approved ISO 13485 Certified Lead Auditor class. It consists of a series of lessons, tests, interactive exercises, assignments, and provides on-line access to ISO 9000 (vocabulary standard) and downloadable handouts such as: an ISO 13485 checklist, a Student Textbook, Study Tips, a before-class assessment and after-class objectives, and so on. Students must apply what they learned by completion of an assignment for marking by an instructor, and successfully passing it. If students want a copy of the ISO 13485 standard, they must provide their own, however, the standard is not a material requirement for the class. The class consists of a series of lessons, illustrations, diagrams, interactive exercises and quizzes. Successful completion of the class will result in a certificate for 20 contact hours (2.0 CEUs). The subscription period for the class is 180 days (plus one free 30-day subscription extension, if needed).
Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to:
As an IACET Authorized Provider, JP Russell Learning Center offers CEUs for its programs that qualify under the ANSI/IACET Standard. Note: IACET is the International Association for Continuing Education & Training and CEUs are Continuing Education Units.