Auditing (CQA) Fundamentals I: 20[M] Ed.

Group: Auditing
Length: 90 days
CEUs*: 0.8
Tuition: $209.00
*CEU = Continuing Education Unit

The course is designed to provide an understanding of the ASQ quality auditor 2012 body of knowledge (BOK) for preparing, performing, reporting, and following up audit results. The course is intended for those interested in learning auditing process fundamentals and as a review for those preparing to take the Certified Quality Auditor ASQ exam. The Auditing Fundamentals I course consists of a series of lessons, illustrations, diagrams, examples, supplemental handout information, interactive exercises and quizzes. A handy desk reference is included in the class as pdf files. Successful completion of the class will result in a certificate for 8 contact hours (0.8 CEUs). The subscription period for the class is 90 days (plus one free 30-day subscription extension, if needed).

Learning Outcomes 
Upon the completion of this course, you will be able to:
  • Identify the steps needed to prepare for an audit
  • Understand general audit terminology
  • Identify types of data used as evidence
  • Know the steps for performing an audit
  • Know how to prepare and use working papers, such as checklists
  • Determine when a practice or situation represents a nonconformance or finding
  • Determine methods to analyze and classify nonconformities or findings
  • Know how to report results of audit
  • demonstrate linkages between reporting and follow-up to ensure there was action
  • integrate process auditing practices and auditing process-based management systems into auditing conventions

Technical Requirements

  • Intel Pentium processor/compatible
  • 800×600 resolution color monitor
  • 32 MB of RAM recommended
  • 28.8 kbps modem okay, high speed preferred
  • A browser such as Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla FoxFirer
  • Acrobat Reader (free plug-in)
  • Must be able to view HTML5 (a security setting)
  • Java script (on most computers)


As an IACET Authorized Provider, JP Russell Learning Center offers CEUs for its programs that qualify under the ANSI/IACET Standard. Note: IACET is the International Association for Continuing Education & Training and CEUs are Continuing Education Units.